Jocelyn Moellering, Individual Development, 248-383-5623
As most of you know, one of our members, Kaitlin Schaefer, recently joined the Peace Corps and will be in the country of Georgia for 27 months. I wanted to share the thank you card she sent the chapter so you all had a chance to read it. It also includes her contact information if you’re interested.
Thank you all so much for the gift card and kind messages. I promise the gift card was used responsibly for items related to my new position! It was extremely thoughtful of you. I also had a great time getting to know you and I apologize for leaving before so many exciting events! Good luck this quarter and I wish all of you an exciting, fun-filled summer. Please stay in touch and hopefully see you all soon.
Kaitlin Schaefer
My address in Georgia:
299 Vazha Pshavela Avenue
0160, Tbilisi