Join us for the training seminar “Unlocking Hidden Messages: The Secrets of Body Language” (Dinner included!)
5:30-6:00 pm – Networking and Dinner
6:00-7:30 pm – Training Seminar
7:30-8:00 pm – Questions and Answers
Training Seminar Description:
Unlocking Hidden Messages: The Secrets of Body Language
If you are not careful, your body will betray you! In this award-winning training, body language expert, Jay Johnson, will demonstrate the power of unlocking hidden nonverbal messages. From handshakes to comfort gestures, awareness of these messages can help to foster better relationships, improve sales, and increase liking. Learn to read situations without a word being spoken, explore tools that help to uncover deception, and take your people skills to the next level..
About our trainer, Jay Johnson, Partner at Coeus Creative Group:
Jay Johnson is a nationally renowned speaker specializing in communication and leadership development. Using a unique perspective of behavioral intelligence, he has had the opportunity to work with top organizations such as Ford Motor Company, Kentucky Fried Chicken, State Farm, United Way, Consumers Energy, UM Health Systems, Crain Communications, and AmeriCorps. From keynotes to workshops, Jay has traveled the globe developing talent, from entry-level employees to executive management. Jay is a designated Master Trainer through the Association for Talent Development (ATD) and is a two time Excellence in Training Award recipient from the National Association of Professional Communication Consultants. In 2017, he was named “Top Trainer” by the ATD Detroit Chapter. Jay is a Lecturer at Wayne State University and holds a Master’s in Communications. He has a devotion to teaching and learning and is passionate about empowering people to solve problems and reach peak performance in work and in life.