Session 1: June 18-28
Session 2: July 9-19
Session 3: July 23-Aug 2
University Hills Elementary
(248) 726-3165
Online registration opens April 15, 2019
Register (coming soon)
2018 Helper Application
Registration begins April 15, 2019, for the Rochester Area Jaycees’ “Safety Town” program, which teaches pre-kindergartners various aspects of life safety. In its 40th year of operation, this summer program seeks to reduce childhood injury by introducing four-, five- and six-year-old children to basic safety concepts through the use of interactive experiences. Registrations will be accepted until all available slots are filled.
New this year, we will be offering a second-level class for children who have participated in Safety Town before, or are 6 or 7 years old.
“Safety Town” is set up to resemble a small-scale “town” with portable buildings, sidewalks, roads, and street signs. The appealing “Safety Town” learning environment is used as a practice area for several of the safety lessons. Each session lasts two weeks, running Monday through Thursday. There are both a.m. and p.m. classes with the morning class from 9:00 am to 11:30 am and the afternoon class from 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm. All lessons and activities relate to a specific topic each day such as Traffic and Pedestrian Safety, Fire Safety, Personal Safety, and Home Safety with special visits from the Sheriff, and Police. On the last day of class, parents are invited to attend the “Safety Town” graduation ceremony, at which each child will receive a certificate and “Safety Town” t-shirt.
For more information or to register, call the Rochester Community Schools Enrichment Office at (248) 726-3165 or visit their office at the Rochester Community Schools Administration Center, 501 West University in downtown Rochester. Residents and non-residents of Rochester that meet the age guidelines are eligible to register for the “Safety Town” program.
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